Monday, 3 November 2014

Where Have All The Surfing Cowboys Gone?

In a seminar with Sharon and Dr Carina Buckley, we spoke about blogging, and describing and investigating images. We were told how to pick apart the image, starting with who, why, what, where and how. The seminar was very informative, and we were set a task, to analyse an image from fashion blog 'fashiontoast'.
I chose to study this image, as it is my favourite from the set, due to the composition, and the lighting effect. This was the first thing I noticed, as the flare protrudes from the image, straight from the sun, through the model, and to the viewer of the image. My eye followed the flare of light, which led me to notice to model herself, standing in a street, looking down to her shoes. By her looking down, the viewer is led to follow her stare, which then focuses upon the bright white shoes. As a fashion blogger, it is clear why her shoes and dress stand out of the picture; to simply sell them. There are many leading lines in the image, particularly towards the model, so I know the photographer knew he/she had to sell the clothing through the image. The photograph is real, but there are aspects of surrealism; to me the model is enjoying a slice of time which has paused for her, whilst the rest of the world continues. The lighting flare almost cuts her apart from the busy everyday life of the passing cars, so she is in that moment by herself, but is content with this. The setting is very normal and an everyday scene to many people across the world, making this image less staged than it probably was. It is a portrait but is a long shot, as it focuses on the model but includes the scenery behind her. The photograph is more about a feeling, for me this suggests that wearing these clothes will take you to that happy and content place, where the sun is shining and you have confidence and no care in the world. The photographer has purposely made you feel in a dream world due to the lighting, there is a sense of utopia in the image. It reminds me of a summer's day, watching everyone go about their day-to-day business and not have any qualms. I have discovered how much staging goes into a photograph like this one, as the photographer has had to wait for a certain time of day to capture the light as it does, and has thought about how to create a perfect composition. The image is all about selling the clothes, and making people want to feel this good wearing them, which I believe the photographer and the model has achieved. 

(Rumi, 2013, 'Where Have All The Surfing Cowboys Gone (online), Full Date: 07/03/2013, [viewed 03/11/2014], available from:

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