Friday 5 December 2014

Peer Review

Overall, I feel myself and my partner Amelia's designs were both reconstructed how we envisioned them. Through discussion, we conversed about what were the best products to use, and talked each other through the process of our designs. Our communication skills were put to the test when Amelia was absent for the practise sessions, leaving me without her design to practise whilst she was absent, and only one session to practise it on her. This was quickly resolved by swapping the groups, I was now group B and Amelia was then group A. My biggest concern with Amelia's design were the shapes of the eyeshadows, as they were not quite clear on the face-chart, but with teamwork and a lot of discussion and practise, we came to a decision. I am pleased with the outcome of my design, although I would have liked to have deeper contouring around the cheekbones, as this didn't show up too well in the final images. Amelia did a great job at covering the eyebrows and blending the eyeshadows, which were the focal point of my look. I feel I created Amelia's look exactly how she wanted it, at least I hope I did! Working with Amelia was good as we both guided each other towards the final outcome. I am sad this project is coming towards an end, as I have enjoyed it greatly!

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