The Taming Of The Shrew stars Shirley Henderson (commonly known for Moaning Murtle in the Harry Potter Series) as Kate Minola, Rufus Sewell as Petruchio, Jaime Murray as Bianca, Kate's international model sister, Steven Tompkinson as Harry, Bianca's manager, and Twiggy as Kate's mother.
There are many resemblances to the Elizabethans in the styling, as well as her strict personality, and staying unwed and pure until she reluctantly falls in love.
Petruchio is another character that for me is a New Elizabethan. He wears fur, a costly fabric which also shows superiority. He even has a title, the 16th Earl of Chartbury, which shows that he is an important character, even though he doesn't particularly show this side of him. His home is vast with heavy wooden doors, high ceiling, large, arched windows and even a chandelier, but when Kate is first introduced to the home, it is ageing, dusty and tired. Petruchio is described as 'big, eccentric, overwhelming... he hits people when they get in his way', which to me resembles that of Queen Elizabeth, as she was very eccentric of her time, and had the superiority for people to move out of her way with a click of her fingers if she wanted them to.
There are many similarities to the Elizabethan Era in this short film, from the scenery of the offices being red, black and white (the main colours of the Era) to the clothes and personalities of the characters.
(Duncan and Ennis Macleod, June 2008, The Taming Of The Shrew, Shakespeare Retold (online), [viewed 07/11/2014], available from:
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