Friday 5 December 2014

Project Evaluation

I have really enjoyed taking part in the 'New Elizabethans' project. My one concern beginning this project was my confidence and lack of makeup skills, as I have had no background in makeup training. I am really pleased with my progress, and feel my skills and techniques have developed well, as well as my understanding. The research into the Elizabethan Era and not just focusing on contemporary has really boosted my understanding and knowledge of makeup, which will support me throughout my career. After studying A-Levels in Art, Photography and English, I feel my research skills for those subjects have benefited me, as I have studied Queen Elizabeth and her famous look. I will continue practising throughout the Christmas break, as I know that practise makes perfect. The technical sessions with Sue have really benefitted me as I was a student that had never done any sort of makeup training before, just self taught. I feel I was successful in creating Amelia's design, which was defiantly supported by my teaching in art. I have found difficulty in deciding on a final design, but I am really pleased with the outcome, as my partner Amelia worked hard to complete it how I wanted it. My notes on the process helped guide her along, which I feel shows in the final outcome. 
 I have learnt so much during this single project, I am excited for what the next project holds!

Peer Review

Overall, I feel myself and my partner Amelia's designs were both reconstructed how we envisioned them. Through discussion, we conversed about what were the best products to use, and talked each other through the process of our designs. Our communication skills were put to the test when Amelia was absent for the practise sessions, leaving me without her design to practise whilst she was absent, and only one session to practise it on her. This was quickly resolved by swapping the groups, I was now group B and Amelia was then group A. My biggest concern with Amelia's design were the shapes of the eyeshadows, as they were not quite clear on the face-chart, but with teamwork and a lot of discussion and practise, we came to a decision. I am pleased with the outcome of my design, although I would have liked to have deeper contouring around the cheekbones, as this didn't show up too well in the final images. Amelia did a great job at covering the eyebrows and blending the eyeshadows, which were the focal point of my look. I feel I created Amelia's look exactly how she wanted it, at least I hope I did! Working with Amelia was good as we both guided each other towards the final outcome. I am sad this project is coming towards an end, as I have enjoyed it greatly!

Thursday 4 December 2014

Review of Final Looks

I am pleased with the outcome of the look for my final design. I feel Amelia responded to my design really well, and we worked together to find the right tools and experiment with techniques. For example, in the practise sessions we used Supra colour for the eyebrows in the first session, but it became clear that there had to be minimal product on the brush for a clean line, but minimal product meant a less stronger pigment. We then decided to use a black eyeliner pencil, which Amelia was more comfortable with working with. I would have liked the contouring to be a little more defined, as I feel my partner was nervous about over-doing it with the purple colour. 

I am really pleased with the outcome of my work, using Amelia's design. The design was colourful and included a lot of blending, which I feel went really well in the assessment. I feel the look was successful, particularly the contrast between the bolder application of colours (blue,golds) to the subtle purple tones under the eyes. I was confident with the blocking of the eyebrows as I have practised this the most, as I feel a clear, even base is the most important part of creating a look. I have managed to conceal the eyebrows using glue, and worked over them in the eyeshadows to blend them away. I feel the least successful part of this look were the eyebrows, as I had trouble making them completely symmetrical, especially under the time pressure. Amelia's design challenged me, but I feel I have managed to complete the design just as Amelia had envisioned it. 

Final Assessment

Makeup Artist: Georgia Warwick, Designer: Amelia Kildear

Makeup Artist: Amelia Kildear, Designer: Georgia Warwick.

Practising Amelia's look.

I am very pleased with the outcome of this look, as this was my first practise at it. I completed the look in the same time as the assessment will be, which boosted my confidence for when I am completing this look on the day. I feel I was least successful in applying the white supra colour to under the eyes, as this was tricky due to the skin pulling under the eye, creating uneven lines, when Amelia wanted clean lines. found the eyebrows particularly difficult, not the application but trying to make them completely symmetrical, so I did a little bit at a time on each eyebrow. In this practise, I didn't apply enough glue to the eyebrow to fully cover the inside edge of the brow, but I know that is what I have to do next session.